When the ancient leaders thought of leading the population they took the advice of various religious individuals. This whole process could last for days or weeks or even months. A certain pathway was designed and that would be surely followed. If this was not the case then a record of the incidents would never have existed. The composition of history indicates many variations. It is the vibrancy of variation that provides flavors to the meal called history. Like adding spices to a preparation of a meal, the nature of history itself is gives us many examples of particular types of ingredients which have the potential to engage the person who tastes the meal. Engage a person totally. This immersion into the taste of history tells a person that there are rules. It will consist of a rule that governs the lifestyle of any person on a second to second basis. Arranging the perspective according to the rule is right next to bliss. There are many guides which prove to be worthy when direction is required. A guide will always serve to protect, and when protection is mentioned, walls of security are built around the mind using the guides. This security which is provided also assists in conviction. In many ways an introduction to knowing what spiritual guides are is necessary. It is best to create bias about being literate or illiterate. A bias which keeps a convicting mind reminded about separating a person who knows what the guides are, and placing a person who does not know them at a higher level. Internally, while the insight starts to function, to create a meaningful picture of why bias is required when according to general understanding; it could prove to be a hindrance to the progress of contemplation. The main aim is to help anyone with the purpose of propagating literacy of a spiritual kind.
Hiding inside them, the haste to urge everyone towards attaining a proper education are certain examples of people, every person who is blessed with a strong inclination for religion; exhibits a tolerance that is natural for holy men and women. Without this level of patience a uniform flow of religious ideas could not occur. From the time religion began, a practice, which involved both mysticism as links with the paranormal; there have been zealots who would intend to work beyond their own capacities to include the propagation of religion in every possible manner. This zeal not only resulted in individual who were spiritually superior owing to the exposure to religious ideas, this also resulted in the creation of leaders. Leading the leaders were the holy men and women whose only thought was to bring in literacy. In fact, now the bias that was brought about regarding literacy and illiteracy could be better understood. This arose to ensure a sure way to get curative ideas to the right minds. For people who have received such ideas already, then, every time an idea repeats itself, it is better seated, on a much stronger base than it was situated prior to the idea repeating itself. An individual who has just been led to a spiritual concept can be placed higher than a person who is aware of this concept. The reaction to a new spiritual idea will be pure and uninhibited. To a trained mind the introduction to an untrained mind, of a spiritual concept, is a source of bliss.
There are so many waves of different emotions. To start with there is the ever thirsty curiosity which always wants to be quenched. The new idea fills up the void to a certain extent. Then there is the bliss of knowing a new spiritual concept. Finally, everyday practice whether consciously or unconsciously leads the untrained mind towards the trained mind; thus the various emotional needs are also taken care of. The leaders did request the religious to lead, his was not because of a lack of ideas; it was either to assist them in the creation of new ideas or to add strength to ideas that were already present.
Looking at it from a perspective different from religion, even war required planning. Dealing with education or agriculture or the question of population also required planning; this has been shown to individuals and the greatness of the leaders has been made popular. We are invited to emulate their greatness. It is only through their loss of ego that they have managed to consult their religious counterparts. It is also fair to add that apart from an open mind a total absence of the ego in a person is necessary as the ego could release false needs or a need for power or for control. These are just the ingredients which act as poisonous entrants in the preparation of that particular meal. The nature of history could be spoilt due to the involvement of these poisons.
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