Is there any reason behind finding that road which has the pleasures of existence all carved out and perfect, since beyond seeking out for that particular note in the whole of the combination of varied music, is a cheerfulness for being. We often have made the journey only to reap more joy from the place we began. Infact the deeper regions of our minds are all based on a reltionship with bliss. Openly the consciousness will retort hence revealing a facet to all of us that there is a common imprint in all of us working on the reward that always follows that inspection into the fabric of reality. None of the real masters have started to tread any path for the main purpose of realisation. The speciality lies in the richness of the content of every being, benign or malicious. The sacred pathwys all utter the same incantations, the humility that is exposed when the most sought out for is obtained from the surface. The entire preparation for the load that could be thrust upon us, opts out of our minds and dissolves into the particles of reality. Taking the best of everything to construct the most precious of creation around us allows the conscious mind some glimpses into the sub-conscious. Kept waiting are the masters for they will be pondering about where their disciples attained the realisation that is so intense in flavour.
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