Monday, December 29, 2008

Arcane Which Kings Followed...

Opting for a peaceful lifetime is in the hands of every individual. The macroscopic reality around one exhibits all types of acceptance into which flows a mature mind. It is natural for the verity of mentalities to be at a mindset that will allow an immense if not uncountable freedom to disembark onto the mental plain proving substantial,the omnipresence of the divine. The only reason that could be cited here is the fact that there can be an endless supply and still maintaining enough to fulfill even fifty generations from today or this generation. Deciphering should not take any energy as the language is simple. In this easy manner a Master will keep the focus on the greatness of comprehension and the alacrity of the person whose neurons are more than saturated with the infinite. We need to be submerged. Is that an eternal law to find ourselves under scrutiny and then realise that the inclination of a mind has to do a lot with the methodology that a mind follows to meet with the best possibilities which have been pre-ordained.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Emerging From The Spheres....

Deciphering the nature of reality requires one to be aware. The divinity in oneself itself is vast. It has been provided to us in un-imaginable amounts due to the fact that there is a grand plan that is in store. To move closer to the essence. In the complete picture there is the divine and this surreal image has imprinted upon us a longing. The longing for venturing into contemplative spheres that we are entitled to. There are so many varieties of thought processes that lead us to the Masters and this will ultimately lead to bliss. It is a law almost if one is allowed to say that the Masters are there to mould us.In the true sense of the word forage we are allowed to explore the panorama of our minds that has the extent that defies even the best logic. The Masters themselves have their share of comprehending the essesce. In reading the relity around the being it is being made clear to us that a mentality which is most pleasing to the Masters is impressed upon each and every neuron in our bodily state.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Deeper Thoughts With The Mind...

Dawn always brings in that energy to make one realize the surreal potentiality that is omnipresent in this reality.Being guaranteed everything in this universe there always will be many opportunities to withhold. Speaking with all the depth in it elates a mind to precipitous limits beyond which lies a justification of constancy. To attempt to make all matter exude the nature of the divine a vast nurturing of the mind has already been provided. From here it makes an individual. Based on opinions from our minds it ultimately becomes evident that freedom from knowledge can also be present in case there is enlightenment. Transcending the force of the elements has iterated the fact of discipline. A certainty exists when our minds flow toward those of the Masters where gathering veracity initiates the precipitation of bliss. Left to ourselves we will remain in that state which was exemplified many thousands of centuries ago. Victory being important has a higher significance in determining the best of temperaments nearing the nature of the souls of our Masters. This invites the joy of comprehending the mind and the unending journey of it experiencing the panorama of inquisitiveness.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pause... It Will Just Be...

A majority of the individuals who have witnessed the urge to allow all the learning open up panoramic visions have reached stages of perfection unparalleled. On maturing the individual has full control over the matter that he or she opts for. Heightened in our minds by the revelation which started off the mesh work of this and other universes a sure feeling of satisfaction occurs which relates to the happiness for this sense was allowed to be discovered. Those who think about improvising on the matter present in this realm are almost at the pinnacle of making that great effort to emulate the Masters. Deepening the fame that has already been achieved will keep up the momentum in the souls of every individual. Recognising the intensity of the passion has promised us an iota of where the nature of divinity is located. Belief in the most normal being the most profound determines wider comprehension of the quality of the vivid fragrance in front of us all of the time. Inclined to become thorough in the art of providing space in our contemplative infinity is going more towards an optimum experience.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Letting The Learning Lead...

We are always convinced. The nature of this comfort is obvious. Very often there are revelations which attempt to alter the consciousness to a level which matches the mindset of the individuals whose main intent is to deliver the resonance offered by other superior entities of this existence. Are the signs which relate our lives telling us that the path has been written. Called to the front to bear the memory of the divine, to understand the miscibility of the known with the unknown, seeks to find within an individual an omnipresent potency. Treated in the best possicle manner by all our elders we realise that this infuses in us a permanent bond which allows the best to continue. Opportunities are present in such vast quantities where every individual is drawn in many different directions and gain a certain skillfulness. In every nano second copious amounts of learning take their place causing that freedom.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Realms May Try...

To talk with everything has been a habit. Concepts will unravel themselves every time there is a revelation from another entity. We will begin our search from our own minds. This will continue to the distant galaxies. Options are given by the divine to gather pieces of information which are predecessors to salvation. Very often a mind is provided with anything negative. Citing something that is jarring to the art of being pensive will be longer in terms of time. Understanding the feel for the right is the essence. Throughout the travel across space into this dark void there is an illuminating guidance. Being on the path the declaration of knowing is brightness itself.

Monday, September 8, 2008

To Free The Lights From Within...

Telling ourselves that there are possibilities is the essence of why we live. Through the times we have constantly looked at the stars and the realms beyond us for answers that have been and those that have been found have to lead us. The solutions have foreseen the making of a paradigm which seek to explain the departure of human beings towards the best that reality could offer. In every sense of the word divine we have seen meaning. Understanding that the relevance of this particular term in everyday existence is immense. The requirement for this sort of colossity is usual. Our masters masters have told us that in truth there is likeness. What this resemblance has to tell us is that in divinity the realms to discover will automatically reduce. The word realm is just another way to say that the path out there is only one. The supreme is there to be experienced. We will be introduced. The time taken will be the same for every individual. In the fermi- seconds. The time frame is what brings in the encouragement.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Calculating About Needing That Achievement...

Approximately ten thousand million years ago there was an event that triggered off life on planet Earth. This event has managed to manipulate the space time continuum. Making an effort to understand the event is right next to understanding the nature of the divine. The reasons behind the event have no significance. Having altered the nature of our universe, it has left us speechless. From the start there has been chaos. This is recognisable. It is this characteristic that provides the necessary dynamism that reality is so proficient at maintaining. Juggling with the concepts of whether we need the divine or needing the physical reality or believing in an other universe based fact or the pinnacle of such an other unverse based civilization. Hungry for answers we tame our minds to attract the best of the knowledge that is existent. The knowledge provides the life, for the whole universe we live in.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Anew we will start soon.....

Friday, July 18, 2008


It will be a long time before realisation sets in. In the time gap between knowing and realising there will be an occurrence of wonder. The wonder that tells us that there is this vast reality in front of us and that it needs the attention of every individual's mind. The right path taken will surely impose upon an individual the essence of a being. A new beginning has been sought out for from a long time. Great will be the fortunes that chance brings with itself. Efforts will be made and they will also be spent. Truth often reveals itself as an ally to the individual's perspective as being in the here and now will make individuals recognise the significance of the art that is life.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Imagine And That Will Suffice...

Yearning the brightest of days one wanders through the mind. The thoughts which are derived from reality have taught us that being judgmental is just the tip of the iceberg. There are concentric spheres of consciousness which we have overcome to arrive at this point in reality. This matter is justified by the fact that the implications are profound and simple together. Beings be it from whichever part of the universe have made it a point to follow. The innate regions of their minds approach them as different people to allow the depth which gratifies an individual intensely to be recognized, and apart from this the same level of a mental grasp is vividly explained. Teaming up with keen individuals will bring about minuscule changes in the soul of the people accompanying an individual exhibiting that desire to share the best of relationships. Naturally it is freedom that is constantly showering the softest of petals for us to walk on. Collecting the meanings of the various facts put across by the realized finally reveals to everyone that even though the immensity of the knowledge is abstract, knowing that a certain direction that the gathering will lead towards will begin as the first step. For all of us feeling the personality of the divine arises. The masters themselves take advantage of the gargantuan urge in us, to regulate that sharp need for it to exist across centuries even. Reasons could be elaborated about governance by the individuals who in their requirement for that literate dependence. It is plainly justified by revealing that the essence is aiding the whole with such brilliance that the divine will start to absorb the elements forming that eternal breath making the mind unfold into areas increasing the strength of those who see.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Apparent From The Start...

Reading from the scriptures an individual is led towards many meanings. Somewhere in this eternity we exist just to create that impression which will bring to us all that the masters have in store. Going from one point to another anticipating the exhibition of faith that is seemingly infinite. It must be noted that everyone has in them a sapling which has been planted which then proceeds to release from the inner depths the plant which will bear fruit. Letting a likeness of the divine into reality through the pursuance of a systematic and a partially technical confirms the fact that the vivacity of life is the root from which the healing decoction of the mentality of masters arrives. Normality will hold within it all possible solutions keeping us informed. Attached with a tight bond to the rationality of ethics, a keen mind will allow an individual to herald every second only with the thought opening all the doors to others. The perception that develops within us when the act of giving is observed instills a strong decision making machinery that is mystical yet simple in constituency. Ultimately we will attain a stance justifying the immense necessity for the fortune that will arise after everyone has been impregnated with the essence. Built to take all that the divine has to offer a mind never strays from a just thought. Measuring the detail will seem like the past. Corroborating to assist in the provision of that grand freedom.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bringing Ourselves To Gather...

Just when the mind takes control of the situations surrounding it a sudden realisation approaches and ebbs. Fabricating the path itself is the everyday requirement of the masters. They help in making that decision temporarily transporting us to their minds where the foundation built by the divine will start to impregnate itself into our minds also. The time frame necessary for the saplings which have been planted in the impressionable consciousness of every individual is very short. Clearly it must be in our constitution to be in an utterly open moral stance. Working on the being is a duty to be performed. Operating from the best vantage point possible, by living out the designs and always knowing that to be literate is to identify in others that certain happiness which is explosive in nature once the said co-ordinates, we then initiate ourselves into becoming like thoughts. It will be rewarding in nature and under different circumstances the rewards when shared among us will convert our mindsets. The search for a pure mentality accompanies the soul, making our minds attain a position where there is a whole crowd of varied personalities resembling the maturity of the masters. Keeping silent and enjoying this togetherness with the infinite then prompts the mind to obtain from reality the precious ingredients for the preparation of a concoction whose effects will give way for thought with secret infusions from the deities themselves.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Linking Through A Gait...

Upon completing the journey we make it a point to analyse the effect the experience had on us. Being helpful is the start, for the continuation it is left up to the education that an individual has paid rapt attention to. Woken up to be deemed an enlightened being will keep the motivation in a dynamic state. Under all circumstances direction that is provided has the unique result of making an individual realise that the divine is also accessible through small actions. In constancy there will be success, however the potential of the force which holds the essence of individuals together requires vast amounts of nourishment. Amazingly the clarity of the feat from which arises latent divinity in a being takes the form of a deep desire to become one of the masters. Happy with the thought that reality has been rewarding and generous at all times, all parts of the mind start racing towards that calm feeling which then initiates the gratification which creates. Intimacy with different parts of reality will teach. The different avenues that are present then appear to us keeping every mind informed about the correctness of this existence. Naturally understanding a notion with a description fit to make even the kings happy.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bound To The Brightest!!!

Under the watchful eye of many masters one starts to walk on this soil. It will be a long time before a steady pace is achieved. Even greater than the journey is the obedience. There is a lot to learn. Absorption is natural. The history of evolution is so vibrant because of every being making it a point to admitting all forms of knowledge into their systems. Knowing fully well that this rate has been set by the divine, the slight effort needed is to sustain the force of intake. We are all on the same plain. It should be understood that once the spirit has fulfilled itself, then the masters will guide our spirits to higher levels. The greatness of each soul is to identify individual potential for this aspect has been furnished by evolution and again there is only a simple step to be taken to know that the mind contains knowledge, emotions, thoughts, convictions and finally a route towards the masters themselves. Each will be satisfied, divinity has made sure that the construction of this reality has the maximum content to grant, for the meeting of our needs makes divinity stronger. Kept from our notice is the amount of effort that the masters have invested in helping us attain that irreplaceable silence...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Noticing The Thought...

In everyday living the capacity of an individual is often taken to the heights of being endured. It has to be made certain that there are levels in the human mind which do not show themselves. The common smile or the blink of an eye hides in it such vast quantities of truth that to fathom the essence it will take the time to create this reality. Unveiling all of the feelings in a given mind may not be simple, moreover an attraction exists that tells us of the ease with which the masters have revealed their convictions. Is that the peak that we often hear of. Growing requires us to depict our lives in the form of a string of successful attempts at gaining from this reality. An account when provided to the divine will make for a better understanding that we have been true in saying that we have conquered the path. Illustrated only by a mind full of happiness, keeping the promise of allowing all the others around an individual, a mind rises into a sphere of utterly blissful emptiness. The void is due in whole to the nature of the individual who has made it a valid point to spread the message of being helpful at every breath. Even at the start of a neutral notion others coming before the self of an individual epitomises the justification. Living will surely awaken freedom!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Finidng Every Suitable Truth...

At the start of time there was the divine with just an inkling of what the creatures could accomplish. It was left up to the beings in our reality to help themselves and grow. From point to point the notion of assisting the unfolding of a brilliant realisation became stronger. Achieving the best of standards has been and will be the norm. There is no difficulty, it is simple. Young children have this tact of looking at every happening as one that has no complications associated with it. Among those that look at life through the eyes of the most plain of all convictions is the art that requires mastery. This leads to an occurrence of blinding reason dawning upon the individual who makes it a point to develop this as a passion. Very soon a trend sets in, one that has the bliss of unity as well as the bond of intelligence. The major portion of reality will still experience that unspoken joy for the main reason that there is only a need for living by consumption of the most holy of all voices. Regardless of where the being is located mentally a pattern will emerge that will be the mark of a subtle justice which has been the under current of an individual. Let us sample this great feeling, by doing this a gate towards making it to the land where the masters is uncovered letting us gather thoughts and feel closer to the goal set.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Starting With A New Energy...

Internal enquiry will lead to many relationships being understood. The peak of knowledge occurs at the point where destiny meets a thorough grasp of any of the multiple variants of thought that reality could offer. Loaded and ready for the most inclined of journeys, the journey inclined towards the mind and the improvement or the sharpening of which results in every individual justifying the reason which allowed the stay of the individual on this serene planet. With frank notions and untouched convictions we ride on our happiness. Then the divinity in us will speak to us reminding us of heights which are as of now can be reached. It has to be a certain commitment that starts at birth, continues with adulthood and stays even after old age. The journey does not begin even at old age. The experience of one lifetime will be enough for the next. Common practises help in consuming our thoughts about the past life that we had endured with all the unpredictability that the past has to offer. Delving into the known that is the life in front of us soon we come to the conclusion that freedom comes with apt conviction. Kept a secret it is only the masters who have that utterance which when absorbed will take us to a new dimension of peace. Pondering the moment one will always let us know that growth does not come at any price.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cause For The Best Of Living

Is there any reason behind finding that road which has the pleasures of existence all carved out and perfect, since beyond seeking out for that particular note in the whole of the combination of varied music, is a cheerfulness for being. We often have made the journey only to reap more joy from the place we began. Infact the deeper regions of our minds are all based on a reltionship with bliss. Openly the consciousness will retort hence revealing a facet to all of us that there is a common imprint in all of us working on the reward that always follows that inspection into the fabric of reality. None of the real masters have started to tread any path for the main purpose of realisation. The speciality lies in the richness of the content of every being, benign or malicious. The sacred pathwys all utter the same incantations, the humility that is exposed when the most sought out for is obtained from the surface. The entire preparation for the load that could be thrust upon us, opts out of our minds and dissolves into the particles of reality. Taking the best of everything to construct the most precious of creation around us allows the conscious mind some glimpses into the sub-conscious. Kept waiting are the masters for they will be pondering about where their disciples attained the realisation that is so intense in flavour.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Growth Through A Varied Route...

Telling ourselves that the mountain is what needs to be scaled creates a drive which will surpass the boundary offered by a reality saturated with normalcy. Infact the height or the length seen through the eyes of experience induce a sense of direction and willingly an adventure begins. Reading all the signs as proposed directions from everyone living is the norm. Greatness if coming from beign assured will surely lead to the state of the divine once the conviction of recognition is settled deep in the mind of every individual. Highlighting every notion as one which desrves utmost attention there comes a phase where the strenght of feeling all parts of reality, as if the divine has helped us with a special gift, becomes profound. After the selection of the best of functions that have the effect of pleasing the divine the evolution of a higher being which in the search for the emulation of the masters, begins. Continuing on with this path there will not exist any reason to go against the fact of being engulfed in the artisrty belonging to the highest of existence. This hunger will produce the variation. Following which there is that particular unfolding of bliss.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Repition Through Maintenance....

Directed to make sense of all that exists is the real truth. There are times where the person who leads has that difficult notion to misguide. This misguidance is what sets us apart. The human facet steps in and allows us to formulate properly. Opening up to all sorts of wrong is a sign of a mind being numb. It is possible to enter into a phase of constant realisation once the wrong is also absorbed. The liberty to lead also has every soul concerned. Considering that every organism has to lead. The task has been impressed upon the particles making up every organism. After this an individual makes it a point to take the lead always. Justifying whether the path one has led another to is right or wrong is secondary. Appreciation is for the one who leads. Like every creature is also a precipitate of the reaction between habit and a sense of continually discerning what the whole mass of divinity has cast upon it, an entire plethora of possible pathways are present to assist the ignorant and the curious to gain the advantage of inching closer to what individuals take to be mysterious. Drifting into siuations without discerning is that art that holy people use. Though not common touching the topic with due respect regarding the destination is the duty to be fulfilled. It is more of a right.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Clearing Out That Particular Trace....

Dealt with the strongest blows that an individual can take the path appears mysterious. The only direction that one can look is towards a peaceful living with all in this existence. Separate lives have been designed for all of us. Kings and queens have let their virtues guide them. They have allowed the virtue of others to help them guide better. Realising that the beating comes from the mind itself it is best to seek out a solution for this problem of releasing ourselves from the burden of being dragged along the wrong path by our impressionable minds. Hit by the impact of leading the most normal of lifestyles, the divine comes into the picture. Instead of looking at the kings and queens, they emulate the divine, then why is that constant search for the divine. It could be that a certain satisfaction is derived from the pursuit for the divine and that a human guide is no longer viable for the journey towards a realised prevalence of humankind. Under these circumstances the various Masters step in to help us gain a healthy perspective. It is best to follow someone who shares the red blood that runs through us, leading us then to individuals who have divinity exixting in their astral veins.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Detecting Where This Comes From...

Folded hands and eyes toward the sky a person stands and wonders the real presence. A subtle and divine experience about to occur and help in making the person travel from one void in space to another region which has the knowledge of all the Gods combined. It is not in the nature of the knowledge that one is treated differently. Each individual is treated on the basis of how that qualification of attaining the position of the divine has been exhibited on the mental picture of that preson. Keenly awaiting the gifts that the art of religion has to offer a certain sense of being impaired sets in. A positive feeling considering the fact the Gods know all and will teach all. The rate at which a person attracts this feeling of inadequacy relates to the intensity of the curiosity inside. Temporary is the want for the realisation promised. Everlasting will be the water of thought that quenches the thirst. A sense of satisfaction exists to such an extent that there will be no craving for the divine. The divine will start to live among the mortals themselves. For this great event to happen a path has to be traced from the mind of an unimpressed to the mind of a literate. This is when maturity blooms.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Multitudes Have To Gather!!

Gathering together years of contemplation, we all stand at cross-roads again contemplating about where the roads may lead us. Standing there and judging the nature of the journey or the destination could lead to a certain falsification of the pleasures involved in the wondrous journey or the sacred destination. Instead one is provided with other options to examine and considering the innumerable blessings of reality around us there is complete agreement amongst all that either travelling there or the place itself poses no more of a question or raises a doubt, the doubt being the generation of happiness. It has always been know that there has been a deal which has existed between us and the diverse set of universal events, to recognise this deal and follow the virtues of the deal is being right next to the divine consciousness. Taught to follow authority blindly, many generations have witnessed the birth of Gods, however there were always a certain group of individuals who have helped themselves by ignoring the presence of the beings that are needed to be given the most attention. This is the reason for the rise of bigger Gods, amongst the citizens of the various generations itself.

Monday, April 7, 2008

A Set Passage..

When the ancient leaders thought of leading the population they took the advice of various religious individuals. This whole process could last for days or weeks or even months. A certain pathway was designed and that would be surely followed. If this was not the case then a record of the incidents would never have existed. The composition of history indicates many variations. It is the vibrancy of variation that provides flavors to the meal called history. Like adding spices to a preparation of a meal, the nature of history itself is gives us many examples of particular types of ingredients which have the potential to engage the person who tastes the meal. Engage a person totally. This immersion into the taste of history tells a person that there are rules. It will consist of a rule that governs the lifestyle of any person on a second to second basis. Arranging the perspective according to the rule is right next to bliss. There are many guides which prove to be worthy when direction is required. A guide will always serve to protect, and when protection is mentioned, walls of security are built around the mind using the guides. This security which is provided also assists in conviction. In many ways an introduction to knowing what spiritual guides are is necessary. It is best to create bias about being literate or illiterate. A bias which keeps a convicting mind reminded about separating a person who knows what the guides are, and placing a person who does not know them at a higher level. Internally, while the insight starts to function, to create a meaningful picture of why bias is required when according to general understanding; it could prove to be a hindrance to the progress of contemplation. The main aim is to help anyone with the purpose of propagating literacy of a spiritual kind.
Hiding inside them, the haste to urge everyone towards attaining a proper education are certain examples of people, every person who is blessed with a strong inclination for religion; exhibits a tolerance that is natural for holy men and women. Without this level of patience a uniform flow of religious ideas could not occur. From the time religion began, a practice, which involved both mysticism as links with the paranormal; there have been zealots who would intend to work beyond their own capacities to include the propagation of religion in every possible manner. This zeal not only resulted in individual who were spiritually superior owing to the exposure to religious ideas, this also resulted in the creation of leaders. Leading the leaders were the holy men and women whose only thought was to bring in literacy. In fact, now the bias that was brought about regarding literacy and illiteracy could be better understood. This arose to ensure a sure way to get curative ideas to the right minds. For people who have received such ideas already, then, every time an idea repeats itself, it is better seated, on a much stronger base than it was situated prior to the idea repeating itself. An individual who has just been led to a spiritual concept can be placed higher than a person who is aware of this concept. The reaction to a new spiritual idea will be pure and uninhibited. To a trained mind the introduction to an untrained mind, of a spiritual concept, is a source of bliss.
There are so many waves of different emotions. To start with there is the ever thirsty curiosity which always wants to be quenched. The new idea fills up the void to a certain extent. Then there is the bliss of knowing a new spiritual concept. Finally, everyday practice whether consciously or unconsciously leads the untrained mind towards the trained mind; thus the various emotional needs are also taken care of. The leaders did request the religious to lead, his was not because of a lack of ideas; it was either to assist them in the creation of new ideas or to add strength to ideas that were already present.
Looking at it from a perspective different from religion, even war required planning. Dealing with education or agriculture or the question of population also required planning; this has been shown to individuals and the greatness of the leaders has been made popular. We are invited to emulate their greatness. It is only through their loss of ego that they have managed to consult their religious counterparts. It is also fair to add that apart from an open mind a total absence of the ego in a person is necessary as the ego could release false needs or a need for power or for control. These are just the ingredients which act as poisonous entrants in the preparation of that particular meal. The nature of history could be spoilt due to the involvement of these poisons.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Reading What The Air Writes

In conclusion to all our everyday lives there must be a contant exercise that needs to be maintained, to decipher what the ai has written out for us. The thoughts and the various feelings of the day were what the air had written on the previous night. It will be best to percieve the substance that is important for the life for the future.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sadness Has Its Levity

Where does all the grief lead one to. The main reason there is grief is that beings like us need that contrast to look at life and to comprehend the various allocations that have been induced into this varied reality. Then it is only a matter of time and after which a blooming effect occurs. Happiness blooms as usual. Beyond that happiness is the area of our minds that tell us that the sadness has led us to the maturity of understanding true bliss. It is natural, sometimes it is forced upon mankind to accept the least respected of our emotions, in the hope of grasping the concept of the 'contra-emotion' in a better fashion. The art of knowing how to feel happy lies in the mind feeling sad. Reality itself is such a vibrant range of indications that are opposite to each other that without opposites there would be no reality. That also attracts a mind towards the notion of the opposites being the building blocks of reality. The truth has been uttered it had better travel to the edges of this reality or the lightness derived from sorrow has no outlet.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Rating The Almighty Response

For centuries now everyone has looked towards the stars for that eternal guidance. That is proof enough that there is the 'Almighty' ready to guide us through the thick and thin of life. To decide the various phases of life as thick or thin is naive, is there a reason to request the 'Almighty' for an explanation for why life could get thick or thin? In short the concepts provided to us are and will be blindly accepted, there is the guide and the beings that are being constantly guided, the only requirement for a harmonious interaction is the blind belief that the guide is the omnipresent. Getting the ultimate rush in blocking all attachments from reality and knowing that the guide is taking us along the only path to be travelled poses that challenge which is an obstruction that has been surfacing since the dawn of civilisation itself. It is left to us to invigorate our staid mentality in accepting and start to help in the questioning of facts that have been given the tag of beginning from the 'Almighty'???

Monday, March 24, 2008

Deciphering The Art That Has Been....

This is dedicated to all those who have been involved in deciphering the art that has existed throughout the time that organisms have been living in this reality. A strong relationship is developed between the art and the artist, for someone who derives pleasure from art is an artist and is helped by any art form. Going from the art to the artist has strong implications, the reason is simple, the artist has now the power to formulate the art and help in others becoming the artists they are aspiring to be. From the drawing to the infinite, or, from the sculpture to the unknown, and finally, from the expression to the unlimited. These are the forms that we have to keep in mind and make others follow this propagation of thought. Once the thought bears fruit then each individual has the potential to create the impossible and the unreal.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Attaining The Steady State...

You often wonder what the steady state for human beings is. It is written across all religious texts that the steady state is a balance between the real and the unreal. The real simply means the tangible reality around us and the unreal, that is a matter of discretion. It is considered that if there is a supreme being then he or she is unreal. Besides the presence of a supreme being and apart from the touch and feel factor in reality introducing this bias of something being real or unreal is making a committment to make a mistake. Only realised souls take the luxury of differentiating between the real and unreal, for us and for those who are still on the path of attaining that particular realisation, it is best to let events take their path and let events take you on their pathways. For then the balance and steady state will start to rise corresponding to the absorption of raw knowledge from both the real and the unreal.....

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tomorrow there will be....

It is always told to us that tomorrow will be. Instead of looking at tomorrow there is always an urge to look at today. Feeling the breath of today and comprehending that today will hold the essence that will continue into tomorrow. Following today's feelings is of prime importance. Helped by our experience of the past the present is determined and then this determined present is assisted by a vision of the future, a steady idea of the future tells us that tomorrow will be. Clearly I have attained a level of contemplation, it is to allow others to accept this level and to gain this height of contemplation.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

It Takes All One Has....

While we are travelling through this eternity we are always introduced to notions that will help us to decipher the reality we are engaged in. There are so many reasons to help us comprehend this unique travel through space. Rising from this emptiness of space we are provided with a plethora of material approaches that serve to be pathways into our own souls.
Realizing that we have travelled and then growing up with the experiences of this travel everyone grasps the nature of the substance beyond the eternal.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Living with science

Hence it has been made clear that science has and will always be of importance as I have seen for all my life now, anyone who does not believe in this puts aside respect for himself.. Hence there is that interest and want for knowledge and understanding that beings are looking for, let us look deep and find that need fulfilled... Adithya