Monday, April 21, 2008

Growth Through A Varied Route...

Telling ourselves that the mountain is what needs to be scaled creates a drive which will surpass the boundary offered by a reality saturated with normalcy. Infact the height or the length seen through the eyes of experience induce a sense of direction and willingly an adventure begins. Reading all the signs as proposed directions from everyone living is the norm. Greatness if coming from beign assured will surely lead to the state of the divine once the conviction of recognition is settled deep in the mind of every individual. Highlighting every notion as one which desrves utmost attention there comes a phase where the strenght of feeling all parts of reality, as if the divine has helped us with a special gift, becomes profound. After the selection of the best of functions that have the effect of pleasing the divine the evolution of a higher being which in the search for the emulation of the masters, begins. Continuing on with this path there will not exist any reason to go against the fact of being engulfed in the artisrty belonging to the highest of existence. This hunger will produce the variation. Following which there is that particular unfolding of bliss.

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