Thursday, September 9, 2010

Anywhere With Moments...

All attention needs to be given to the forces that gather us
towards achieving those particular aspects which have found themselves in the realms of the Divine itself. Reflecting upon a thought it appears that a clarity unarbritrated is surrouounding all of us in tune with the aether around us. Intrinsical reverberations have a path just to imply a heavily orientated longing positively allowed into any mind understandaing the diversity of the verity offered to any mind and then there will come an indication of parity. As an act there are ways and means attracting the mind towards many of the types of the Divine. Entering with thoughts filled with weight has many advantages to be added onto a mind precipitating so many spectrums of deviations. Being in a situation where pondering has the farthest reaches brings determination to the mind and there the Masters have their fulfillment ingrained on every particle of their breath.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kept In The Cycle…

Controlling the urges towards the goals which bring in together with them senses related to the Divine for eternities on end. An intent is present in every soul to make the known flow into areas that are occupied internally and externally by the very essence of fraternity in turn a set of events peaceful enough so that the peace one has is nearer to the Masters or to the Divine. For many aeons the aether has precipitated channels understanding juxtapositions implying a strong link between every particle. Needs are then suggested with colossal amounts of orientation helped only by the conscience arriving at points in time which have been pre- determined by the Masters to tell us of purposes and alignments intent upon the growth of a feeling of girth. This is corroborated by the ramification that the proximity to the Divine has been made to lessen. Kept at the level of the present in many realms of the mind our temptations towards forging many and a verity of relationships given the nature of our conscience. As an option freedom has an unlimited potency around which a construction of growth continues.